Responsible Power and Its Impact

Jané Adebe Orwellickens
3 min readDec 12, 2020
Photo by Kin Li on Unsplash

Over this past week, Disney released a spate of new films, series, and offerings as part of its Investor day. The analyst in me also can’t ignore the fact that it is both a conscious business decision in light of the virus and its blight on cinemas, but also as the house of mouse plans to take on Netflix — the reigning streaming king — in a battle for supremacy. It’s a well poised knife-edge… Thrilling stuff. However, the purpose of today’s piece is to focus more on a subtler topic, one less attuned to business ears but to those of sociologists and anthropologists.

You see, it was impossible for me as a member of a minority — I use this term tongue in cheek as it has ifferent connotations depending on what part of the world one is in however, as the house of mouse operates in the seat of the west, we will use minority in its standard format — not to notice and relate to the joys of other minorities as they announced their deals and partnerships with Mickey. A Fledgling but no less brillaint animation studio on the horn of Africa working with the biggest family entertainment juggernaut, women of all shades getting to seat in the directors seat for a change where they will not have to defer to the insensitivities of their male superiors, and even young debut authors getting the film adaptation of a lifetime. It brought some serious joy to my eyes. And it led me to reflect on ideas of impact, of legacy, and of responsible power.

You see, believe it or not, nothing is ever changed from a position or place of mediocrity. Like Taleb states in Black Swan, no one event can have an impact on the whole in mediocristan. No no. That happens only in extremistan. It took the guile, wit, talent, sweat, and sheer doggedness of a certain Walt Disney to catapult the now famous blue castle onto our screens. But, to quote a certain late uncle, with great power comes great responsibility. Now Disney does not have a red and blue suit, nor does it swing from highrise to highrise, but great power it surely has. For all those people behind each announcement, particularly those who’d been waiting on their big break, Disney has done so much more than simply announce a new show or movie. For them, Disney has changed their lives; and beyond them even, those whose lives these shows and movies will change. That little girl who will believe she can become whatever she dreams becasue she recognises powerful female characters who look like her. That little boy born ‘different’ from everyone else can have some hope too, after all he can see his story represented in a blockbuster. It takes a LOT of people to validate a blockbuster ladies and gentlemen. A LOT.

And so there we have it. I won’t drool over Disney too much, but I will higlight again that with great power comes great reponsibility. Those who have it should not just wield it well, but wield it to the betterment of society and the world. And for those who seek it, well. Keep on seeking, and when you do find it, be sure to come back and read my article!

Peace and Love.

