Journeys in the dark — A series

Jané Adebe Orwellickens
1 min readAug 14, 2020


Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

Rustling trees, trembling earth. Flashing lightning and violent thunder. The makings of a great tale of adventure. A valiant warrior setting out against the unknown. The birthing of a Conan on the battlefield we all share — the battlefield of life!

For indeed, there are traps and dangers and enemies everywhere, and just as easily as life persists, it can end. Quickly and in a flash or slowly. But lest I sound utterly gloomy, permit me to dismiss that as far as I can with these words. This story is far from a tale of woe. It is far from a tale of pessimism or nihilism or misanthropy. Believe it or not, this is a tale of optimism, a tale of hope! However, swords aren’t forged without heat and there is no possibility of a dawn if the sun does not first set. This is a tale of dusks. One that will culminate in the brightest dawn.

